These tips are commonly referred to as sleep hygiene. They are good sleep rules for everyone to follow. If however, you are struggling with a sleep challenge or if you have tried these tips already, you may need to take a different approach.
Sleep Hygiene:
- Never try to sleep. Go to bed only when you feel tired.
- Develop relaxing pre-sleep rituals such as reading, taking a bath, brushing your teeth, etc.
- Limit your time in bed to just what you need, no more, no less.
- Eliminate the bedroom clock.
- Get up at the same time every morning! Even if you fall asleep very late you should still get up at the same time every morning.
- Use the bed only for sleep and sexual activity (only if you enjoy it otherwise choose another room).
- To avoid Sunday Night Insomnia-Monday Morning Blues, don’t stay up late and sleep in on weekends. You can stay up late, just get up at your normal time.
- Avoid caffeine and alcohol within six hours of bedtime. Don’t smoke at bedtime or during any night-time awakenings.
- Hunger may disturb sleep so you might try a light snack before bed. A glass of warm milk contains a natural sleep aid.
- Exercise regularly. Get vigorous exercise in the late afternoon or early evening. Only do mild exercise, such as walking, within three hours of bedtime.