Is Snoring driving you (or your bedmate) Crazy?
"Finally, a Proven Remedy for Snoring."
Picture this… you are peacefully enjoying a deep, restful sleep and maybe even dreaming of relaxing on a sunny beach listening to the ocean waves gently lap against the sandy shore. You are feeling relaxed and peaceful. Then, just like the shocking screech of the morning alarm clock, your bed-partner starts to SNORE!
At first you try to ignore the chain-saw noise of the snoring. You close your eyes between breaths and think the intrusion has stopped. But then it starts again, and with every snarl you become more and more frustrated and unable to sleep.
You worry that if you can’t get back to sleep, you’ll be too tired to function well during the day or worse, you’ll feel sick. You try to resist waking your bed-partner who seems unaware of your growing frustration.
But you need your sleep also and you question yourself “Why should I be the one to suffer?” and with that thought you elbow your bed-partner who rolls over without even waking up.
Minutes later, the snoring starts again and your sleeplessness continues, night after night.
Stop Snoring GUARANTEED!
If this sounds familiar, then I have a guaranteed solution that will give you the gift of a good night’s sleep.
My name is Clinton Marquardt and I have been working and studying in the area of sleep for over 20 years. I am also the only Human Fatigue Specialist on the Internet who is ready to help you get the sleep of your dreams. I’ve found a little known secret that I’ve been using to help people just like you.
The SOLUTION: The SnorBan Anti-Snoring Mouthpiece
I’d like to share the Snoring Solution with you because I believe that too many people are unnecessarily suffering from snoring. I’m doing it because it makes me feel good to help people get a great night’s sleep with this quick and easy solution. This is not a hard sell technique to get you to buy a product that doesn’t even work. I stand behind this simple solution 100%. I’m going to share the information and you can decide on your own if it is right for you.
This solution:
- Help you Wake up Feeling Refreshed, and
- Will Energize your Day!
Here’s how it works:
The SnorBan Anti-Snoring Mouthpiece gently keeps your mouth in the right position to prevent the soft tissue in your upper airway from vibrating. Your breathing becomes normal again and your snoring problem will be a thing of the past. All you need to do is comfortably form fit the mouthpiece once and wear it while you sleep. Snoring will be gone for good and you will start to enjoy the benefits of normal breathing and a restful sleep.
How SnorBan Works: Left image is with no mouthpiece and a restricted airway; right image is with SnorBan and a nice open airway with no snoring!
Here is what you get with your SnorBan Kit:

The images above are the kit that you will receive and a fitted mouthpiece.
The fitting only takes a few minutes and is explained on the easy instruction sheet.
Clinically PROVEN Technology
The technology behind the SnorBan Anti-Snoring Mouthpiece was independently validated through recent clinical studies and published in respected research journals such as:
- Sleep Breathing
- Sleep Medicine Reviews
Check out these research papers on the SnorBan Web site.
Here’s what the American Sleep Disorders Association said in their published review* of many clinical studies of anti-snoring mouthpieces:
- “Snoring is improved and often eliminated in almost all patients who use oral appliances.”
- “All published clinical studies in which snoring was assessed, representing a variety of oral devices, show improvement in a high proportion of users.”
- “Objective observations support the consistent improvement reported by users and bed partners.”
- ”Most users report an improvement in daytime sleepiness.”
*An American Sleep Disorders Assoc. Review: Wolfgang Schmidt-Norwara et al. Oral Appliances for the Treatment of Snoring and Obstructive Sleep Apnea: A Review. Sleep, 18(6), 501-510.
The figures below show how snoring stopped for one recent user of the SnorBan. A person’s breathing pattern can be recorded using a small temperature sensor placed in front of the mouth and connected to a computer. When snoring occurs, the signal from the sensor is disrupted and results in a flat line on the computer display. When a person wears SnorBan the signal is not disrupted by snoring and the line does not go flat.

BEFORE: WIthout SnorBan - Flat lines indicate Snoring

AFTER: With the SnorBan - Normal Breathing is Restored and Snoring is Gone!
You too can EXPECT these RESULTS!
Read what HAPPY CLIENTS have said:
1. Surgical techniques to stop snoring use scalpels or lasers and are very painful. They are also permanent, once the tissue has been removed you can never get it back. What happens if scientists discover that we actually need this soft tissue to fight infections for example? These techniques are also very expensive and in many cases they don’t produce permanent results; 80% of the time they don’t work. The Snorban Anti-Snoring Mouthpiece is comfortable and it works!
2. Somnoplasty, using high frequency radio waves to shrink the tissue, is also painful and expensive. Most of the time the tissue grows back to its normal size and the procedure must be repeated. The SnorBan Anti-Snoring Mouthpiece is fitted once and snoring is gone for good!
3. The electronic noise sensor that straps to your wrist and gives you a shock to continuously wake you up when you snore only make you more sleepy during the day. Can you imagine waking up every five minutes all night long? The SnorBan Anti-Snoring Mouthpiece will give you more energy!
4. Custom fitted mouthpieces that dentists supply are less comfortable, cost at least $500.00 and most dental plans don’t cover the treatment. The SnorBan Anti-Snoring Mouthpiece is very affordable!
5. If you try these other methods and they don’t work it means you’ve wasted $1,000’s, experienced a lot of pain, and only become more tired during the day for nothing. You will have to start your search for a solution all over. The SnorBan Anti-Snoring Mouthpiece is your best choice!
SnorBan is BETTER than all these methods because it is:
- Comfortable
- Easy to Fit
- Easy to Wear
- Non-intrusive
- Less Expensive than all other Methods, and
- Best of All, I Guarantee it will Work!
As one of Canada’s Top Sleep & Fatigue Specialists, I have a great reputation that I want to preserve.
I stand behind SnorBan 100% and I have been recommending it for over 20 years!
If you order using my special time limited code “CM2025”, you will get 20% off the already low price of $54.99 USD!
Before you order, take this simple 15 second test:
1. Do you have TMJ (Temporo-Mandibular Joint pain)?
2. Are you getting a good night’s sleep?
3. Do you have trouble breathing through your nose when lying down?
4. Do you wear full dentures?
5. Do you have an excessive overbite?
6. Do you have sleep apnea? (You may need an overnight sleep study to determine this.)
7. Do you want to pay a lot of money to stop snoring?
If you answered “No” to all seven questions, then the SnorBan Anti-Snoring Mouthpiece is for you!
One Last Note
The tag line I sometimes use is “Helping you get the Sleep you Need and the Dreams you Desire”. I know it sounds a little corny, but I am committed to this statement. If you answered “Yes” to one of the five questions above, have been diagnosed with apnea, or did not find the sleep information you were looking for, I’d still like to help you.
Send me a quick note and I will try my best to help you out.
Sleep well soon,
Clinton Marquardt
Sleep & Fatigue Specialist